Schedule Creation

Creating a Schedule object

The first part of the schedule that needs to be created is the Schedule object.

  • One Schedule should be created per session. For an example of this, see the London 2016 schedule (which consists of one day of tutorial sessions, and two days of general sessions).
  • The “Published” checkbox should be unchecked. Otherwise, the schedule will appear to be the public while it is being created.
  • Make sure that the dates in this object correspond with the dates of the schedule.
  • For readability, the names of slot kinds should not correspond to room names. If a presentation does not appear in a slot on the schedule, the name of the slot kind will appear by default.

Creating Rooms

The name of rooms will appear on the schedule at the top of each column. Rooms are associated with Schedules, so a conference will multiple sessions occurring in the same location will need multiple Room objects with the same name.


Presentation objects are automatically created when a Proposal is accepted. Updating a presentation’s proposal will automatically update the presentation’s information. Presentations that are attached to unaccepted proposals will be deleted automatically by symposion.

Creating New Presentations

To create a new Presentation that will not be deleted automatically:

  • Create a new User for each speaker in the presentation.
  • Create a new Speaker attached to the aforementioned Users.
  • Create a new Proposal.
  • Create a new Proposal Result object attached to the aforementioned Proposal. Ensure that its status is “accepted”.

Saving the Proposal Result will automatically create a Presentation linked to the existing proposal.

Adding Presentations to a Schedule

Presentations can most easily be added to a schedule by using the Django admin to connect Slots to them. The slot’s attributes (start time, end time, and slot room) will determine where the presentation appears on the schedule.

Adding a new Slot can be done directly from a Presentation’s page in the Django admin.

Modifying Presentations

Changing a Presentation’s date or time is easily accomplished by editing its slot.

Adding Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions that do not have associated Presentations (e.g. “Registration”, “Lunch”, etc.) are added directly as Slots. In order to ensure that they contain the correct content, the “Content overrride” field must be filled out.


Unpublished schedules are only visible to staff users. To make a schedule publicly available, each Schedule object needs to have its “published” attribute checked in the Django admin.